The Economy and Your Sex Life

The past few years have been hard on everyone’s wallets. Real estate prices have hit all-time lows. Unemployment has gone up drastically. The bonuses and raises that everyone got so used to in the 1990s have all but disappeared. The stress of trying to keep your job, keep bills low, find supplemental income, and generally stay afloat can bear a heavy burden on your health and love life. Here are a few tips for staying healthy through the crunch.

First of all, above all else, stay active. You don’t need an expensive gym membership or personal trainer to go for a walk through your neighborhood in the evenings. You can save money and add a workout to your schedule by discontinuing your lawn care service and doing the work yourself. Find a good pair of discounted running shoes on Zappo’s or another online shoe store and start running three to five times a week. All of these options are cheaper than the gym and a lot better for your heart and mind than the couch. Regular exercise improves your mental acuity and lowers your stress levels. And being in good cardiovascular shape goes a long way toward preventing erectile dysfunction.

Stay Fit Through the Crunch

Our second tip for maintaining a happy, healthy life through the economic crisis is to watch what you eat. Get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, and protein. When you go to the grocery store, do the majority of your shopping around the perimeter of the store. This sounds funny, but it’s a great rule of thumb. Think about it. What do you find along the outside of the store? That’s where you see all the produce, meats, dairy, eggs, and fresh baked breads. What do you see when you roll down the aisles? Cookies, processed and canned goods, frozen vegetables, and the list goes on. If you can get the majority of the food on your shopping list from outside those aisles, you’re on your way to a heart-healthy diet that will battle the blood pressure raising stresses you get at work.

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