Yes, I’m Flossing To Avoid Erectile Dysfunction

Lately I’ve been brushing and flossing my teeth and massaging my gums a lot because I want to be prepared for sex when it’s ready to happen. Not because I’m concerned that my wife will be turned off by bad breath or inadequate dental hygiene. It’s much more serious than that. I happened to come across an article that suggested that advanced gum disease may be connected to erectile dysfunction!

I know you’re probably thinking how could that be true, your mouth and your private parts are pretty far from each other? But it appears to be true. You stop taking care of your mouth and it may end up affecting more than just your ability to get a date.

The article suggested that a bacteria found in the mouth, that has also been connected to coronary heart disease, could also cause limpness “down below.” Makes sense because it’s pretty well known that heart disease is one of the causes of E.D. But it is a little odd to think that visiting the dentist could help you maintain a healthy and firm erection.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not taking any chances. I just scheduled a checkup; I bought a brand new, big time electric toothbrush. I started gargling regularly, purchased a gum stimulator and I now travel with pack of 40 Soft-Picks that I keep in my car because they’ve been shown to be and I quote, “as effective as string floss in removing interdental plaque and reducing gingivitis.”

As you can see I’m taking this gum-penis connection thing seriously. I’m also trying to convince my wife that having more frequent sex will in some way keep my gums healthy… or at least give her an opportunity to see my new and improved, beautiful smile much more often.

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